
  1. Bring arms and hands down to each side. Feet together, facing forward.

Horse Move

  1. Bring both hands up to chest level,
    make a fist with Right hand and cover with left hand.
  2. Move legs shoulder width a part with feet facing forward, squat like you are sitting in a chair with knees bent just enough not to see your feet. 

Step 1

  1. Bring arms out in front of you,
    shoulder height. Cross at wrists with left hand over right.
  2. In one smooth motion bring right leg backwards
  3. At the same time pull arms back towards your waist.
  4. End move with hands balled into fists resting at your waist.

Step 2

  1. Step forward with right foot.
  2. At same time, punch straight out with the right hand about chest height.

Step 3

Double Punch 

  1. Punch straight out with left hand, bringing right hand to rest at your right side waist
  2. Next, pull left hand back towards the body, resting it back on your left waist.
  3. At the same time, Punch straight out with right hand, about chest height. 

Step 4

  1. Bring arms out in front of you,
    shoulder height. Cross at wrists with left hand over right.
  2. In one smooth motion bring right leg back
  3. At the same time pull arms back towards your waist.
  4. End move with hands balled into fists resting at your waist.

Step 5

  1. Bring both hands up to chest level in front of your body, make a fist with left hand and cover with right hand.
  2. Move legs shoulder width a part with feet facing forward, squat like you are sitting in a chair with knees bent just enough not to see your feet. 

Step 6

  1. Bring arms out in front of you,
    shoulder height. Cross at wrists with left hand over right.
  2. In one smooth motion bring right leg back
  3. At the same time pull arms back towards your waist.
  4. End move with hands balled into fists resting at your waist.

Step 7

Tricky Move

  1. Step backwards with left leg.
  2. At same time, punch straight out with the right hand about chest height.

Step 8

Double Punch 

  1. Punch straight out with left hand, bringing right hand to rest at your right side waist
  2. Next, pull left hand back towards the body, resting it back on your left waist.
  3. At the same time, Punch straight out with right hand, about chest height. 

Step 9

  1. Bring arms out in front of you,
    shoulder height. Cross at wrists with left hand over right.
  2. In one smooth motion bring left leg forward
  3. At the same time pull arms back towards your waist.
  4. End move with hands balled into fists resting at your waist.

Step 10

  1. Bring both hands up to chest level,
    make a fist with left hand and cover with right hand.
  2. Move legs shoulder width a part with feet facing forward, squat like you are sitting in a chair with knees bent just enough not to see your feet. 

Images Created by Molly O’Kane Bloggerithm